Project Cargo Logistics Management

Mining Projects
With our experience on some of the largest mining construction projects on four continents, we can assist your team to realize your budget, meet your schedule and achieve your goals.
Some of our experience:
Moa Nickel Expansion (Cuba)
Koniambo (New Caledonia)
Tasiast (Africa)
Onça Puma (Brazil)
+ many other projects

Remote Energy Projects
Energy projects are often taking place in remote areas, far away from normal road infrastructure. We understand these difficult conditions and we are ready to assist you in developing a cost-efficient solution.
Some of our experience:
Total exploration (Africa)
Repsol (Africa)
Gamesa windmill (Africa)
UN fuel distribution (Africa)
Dubai World Central

Plant Relocation
Thinking about acquiring an existing plant and transporting it half-way around the world to save you time and money? Put our experience to work for you and relocate efficiently in a managed process.
Some of our experience:
Alcoa Aluminum plant (Italy-Spain)
Lisheen Mine (Ireland-Spain-Portugal-Cuba)

Finding Specialized Carriers
Too many carriers in the market area but unsure who to use for your special cargo and to obtain competitive rates for deliveries on a timely basis and without damage? We will investigate the market, present our recommendations and let your team tender a contract with the top carriers for cargo and routes.

Investigating Routes
Don't let special cargo sit idle on a trailer for hours or days because of a lack of route planning. Make sure that the cargo can fit on the transport, that the ship has the draft to enter a specific port. Let us investigate for potential routes and equipment combination to allow delivery to site without costly delays.

Advice on Export/Import
Customs regulations vary between countries. Don't fall into a situation where a lack of adequate documentation or misunderstanding of local procedures lead to costly delays, additional storage costs or even seizure of your cargo. We can assist you develop procedures to meet these requirements.

Integrating Services
You have invested significantly in the design and manufacture of your project cargo as well as construction. What about the process and data flow for logistics activities and links such as packaging, handling or the special instructions in a foreign land where the stevedores are unfamiliar with your cargo? We can help you through the process to integrate it all to your ERP.

Load-out Reports
We understand the benefits of a thorough load-out report and its use for insurance claims, reception of materials at the site laydown yards or warehouse as well as handling at the port of destination. Let our experience assist your team to plan your shipping reports to ensure that you have comprehensive and well-documented load-out reports at the various ports of loading!

Ocean Freight
Will it be break bulk or containers? Will the cargo be shipped on deck or in the ship's holds? Will it be direct or through ports of transit or lightering on barges? When will the cargo be delivered at the port of loading? What are the various port charges? Let us assist your team to determine the best way to transport your ocean freight cargo in an optimum way to the final destination.

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